Unknown protocol "konq"

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Tue Dec 27 21:20:30 GMT 2022

Am 27.12.22 um 22:10 schrieb Luigi Toscano:
> Reindl Harald ha scritto:
>> that starts with CTRL+F and a childish filter instead kfind
> On the other hand, Ctrl-shift-f is the shortcut of the "Open KFind" menu
> entry, which is the fist one of the "Tools" menu

maybe - but common in general over tons of software is CTRL+F and the 
need of dozens of different seachres is questionable when kfind exists 
as long as i can think

there is a "filter" for simple minded users at the bottom and a 
half-baked search for middle-minded users when there is kfind as 
ultimateive solution which just lacks "delete without trash" in the 
context menu to make it perfect

one task - one tool

the point is that the trivial appeareance of dolphin could have been 
implemented in konqueror an d instead waste development cycles in 
redundant software one could read the logs and fix errors

the load of trivial to face warnings in the codebase is large enough for 
many years - again: either read and fix them or don't clutter my 
logfiles all day long


[root at srv-rhsoft:~]$ uptime
  22:19:55 up  3:30,  5 users,  load average: 1,00, 0,62, 0,68

[root at srv-rhsoft:~]$ journalctl | grep 
| grep "Dez 27" | wc -l


kioslave5[19113]: kf.coreaddons: Expected a KPluginFactory, got a 

Dez 27 22:09:20 srv-rhsoft.rhsoft.net kid3[18756]: QCommandLineParser: 
already having an option named "h"
Dez 27 22:09:20 srv-rhsoft.rhsoft.net kid3[18756]: QCommandLineParser: 
already having an option named "help-all"
Dez 27 22:09:20 srv-rhsoft.rhsoft.net kid3[18756]: QCommandLineParser: 
already having an option named "v"

Dez 27 22:15:03 srv-rhsoft.rhsoft.net plasmashell[1384]: 
QML SelectableLabel: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth"

Dez 27 22:08:24 srv-rhsoft.rhsoft.net plasmashell[1384]: 
QML ScrollBar: Binding loop detected for property "visible"

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