How do you label code to be deleted in KF6?

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Tue Nov 9 10:36:26 GMT 2021

Am Dienstag, 9. November 2021, 03:33:44 CET schrieb Glen Ditchfield:
> I would like to have some members of KCalendarCore's incidence classes
> removed during the transition from KF5 to KF6, and I'd like to be sure
> that the changes won't be missed in the excitement.
> Do you have some preferred way to label such changes?  For example, is
> there some `#if` statement that can be wrapped around the code, such
> that it will be compiled into KF5 but compiled out of KF6?

which should help to get you started with such work.

Please extend the docs when you run into unanswered things or would have some 
use-case where some ready-to-copy samples would be good to have.


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