systemd does not have wallet unlocked

Barry Scott barry at
Sun May 23 10:51:08 BST 2021

I have been trying to update by KDE environment on Fedora 34 to
you the new systemd startup of KDE.

I have found that autostart scripts are not run as they used to be.

The suggestion, that I really like, is to use systemd user services to
do the autostart actions.

The one I'm trying to make work is to add keys with ssh-add.

The problem I am seeing is that I get a prompt for the password
of the wallet.

I'm guessing that the wallet has not been unlocked before the is started.
Does this make sense?

I have tried to experiments to confirm this:
1) "systemd --user start ssh-add" manually after login
2) add ExecStartPre=sleep 5

in both cases I do not get a prompt for the wallet password
and the keys are successfully added.

$ cat .config/systemd/user/ssh-add.service
Description=ssh-add service

ExecStartPre=sleep 5
ExecStart=ssh-add -q %h/.ssh/id_rsa

$ ls -l .config/systemd/user/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 barry barry 18 May 23 10:31 ssh-add.service -> ../ssh-add.service


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