Any interest in a batch file renamer in KIO?

Nomen Luni nomen.luni at
Wed May 19 13:27:29 BST 2021

P.S. Apologies - I believe the point regarding discoverability may have
been Konstantin's.

On 19/05/2021 12:30, Harald Sitter wrote:
> On Mon, May 17, 2021 at 12:38 PM Nomen Luni <nomen.luni at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I actually looked at KRename some time back and it wasn't quite what I
>> wanted. It does actually appear as a service menu option when installed,
>> so it has that base covered, however for my needs it's felt a little
>> unwieldy. My application, whilst no doubt a little less capable feels
>> smaller and more streamlined to operate and dare I say more at a level
>> consistent with the Dolphin ethos in terms of the simplicity of the GUI
>> - I realise this is subjective. If anyone has used the Thunar 'bulk
>> rename' plugin, mine is heavily influenced by the interface of that (but
>> implemented in Qt which was one of the prime reasons for its
>> creation)... so it wasn't a case of 'new code is more fun,' so much as
>> 'this is exactly what I want.'
>> Since KRename already operates as a Dolphin plugin it shouldn't be too
>> much work to integrate it directly into Dolphin, or perhaps even just
>> ship it as a default plugin, however that isn't something I'm interested
>> in working on as I don't use it... benevolent self interest and all that.
>> Dolphin could really benefit from a batch rename function in my opinion,
>> what form that functionality should take, pre-existing or new, is a
>> worthwhile conversation. In any case, Harald's point regarding
>> discoverability is a valid one, as I'm sure a large proportion of users
>> never take the time to investigate the service menu plugins.
> My point was more that all the "backendy" bits already exist in
> krename, the discoverability it lends is just bonus. And while I
> completely agree that the current UI is very... eh, advanced... you
> could simply stick another simplistic UI on top, or rework the default
> appearance of krename so it is simpler by default and powerful when
> needed. The way I see it krename could definitely become more
> appealing to potential users by being simpler, and at the same time if
> you invest UI engineering into krename you don't have to worry about
> any of the logic behind renaming in of itself since that already
> exists and is QA'd.
> HS

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