Trying to build knotifications framework, kdesrc-build and qt5

Colin Williams colin.williams.seattle at
Tue Aug 3 13:29:22 BST 2021

After nuking the build as mentioned, my issues with the Qt5 submodules
have gone away. I'm still failing to build Qt5 via the script.

I get the error: ERROR: Feature 'reduce_relocations' was enabled, but
the pre-condition '!config.win32 && tests.reduce_relocations' failed.

I don't have a clue regarding 'reduce_relocations'. Is there a way to
disable it and would it make sense to do so?

I'm attaching

/usr/local/kde/src/log/2021-08-03-02/Qt5/error.log :
./build/Qt5/config.log :

On Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 3:01 AM Colin Williams
<colin.williams.seattle at> wrote:
> > Your Qt is broken.
> > /usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: u_strToUpper_68
> Agreed
> > "Couldn't update Qt5 repository submodules!" means running the init-repository command from the qt5 repo failed, maybe you don't have perl or any of the perl dependencies > for that command?
> I have a recent version of perl, not 100% sure what perl dependencies
> I think I need. One thing to note of interest is that I am trying to
> invoke ./kdesrc-build knotifications and with my config it attempts to
> build 7 "major" components. Regarding the source cloning issue the
> only one reporting the source fetching or submodule issue is qt5.
> Every other module doesn't have a source fetching issue. I was trying
> the --verbose flag, but just discovered the --debug flag. Then I've
> blown away the build and source directories and trying again.
> Well i guess you have perl since kdesrc-build is in perl, anyhow
> you'll have to figure out what's going on wrong with that command
> Cheers,
>   Albert
> On Sun, Aug 1, 2021 at 12:55 AM Colin Williams
> <colin.williams.seattle at> wrote:
> >
> > I'm trying to build the knotifications framework on a platform that
> > doesn't provide packages for kde. The platform provided qt5 and
> > qt5-tools packages. I installed them. Then when building the framework
> > dependencies I got
> >
> > From that error I suspect that the system qt5 is broken. So now I am
> > interested in allowing kdesrc-build to create QT5, and then back to
> > the steps to build the framework.
> >
> > On the Qt5 build I am getting >Couldn't update Qt5 repository submodules!
> >
> > Unable to update Qt5, build cancelled.
> >
> > I went to the qt5 src directory and ran git submodule update. It took
> > awhile, but it looks like it updated the submodules. However I still
> > get the same error mentioned above when I try to build. Can someone
> > suggest how I can manually update the submodules or satisfy the
> > sources so kdesrc-build can build qt5 and I can move to the next step?

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