Supported C++ standard (aka compiler version) Overview Table for various distros?

Milian Wolff mail at
Wed Oct 14 10:32:00 BST 2020

Hey all,

I would like to push for C++17 usage in KDevelop to make it more fun to 
develop there. This is an extragear app, so I believe we can take this 
decision separately from the surrounding KDE ecosystem.

Does anyone know if there's an overview page similar to [1], but for Linux 


I.e. I would like to know which distro versions we would potentially lose by 
moving KDevelop master to C++17. I seem to recall that there existed such an 
overview page somewhere, but I cannot find it anymore.

If it doesn't exist, then I would love if we could all together create such a 
table on our techbase wiki.

Milian Wolff
mail at
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