[kde-de] gpg Problem mit Kleopatra [gelöst]

Michael bushveld at gmx.de
Do Okt 2 13:31:04 CEST 2008


das Problem das Kleopatra die Meldung
gpgconf: ungültige Option "--check-options"
bringt läßt sich realtiv leicht erklären:

Info von Werner Koch auf der gnupg Liste:
>I was not aware that KDE did a release requiring a non yet released
>version of GnuPG.  This is probably becuase all developers used an SVN
>snapshot.  Background: The new code was added in the course of a Windows
>project to port KDE to Windows.  For Windows we use a snapshot of GnuPG.

>I know that a GnuPG release is long overdue; I hope to get a release
>candidate out in about 2 weeks.

Viele Grüße