[PATCH] Qt4 configure.

Thiago A. Corrêa thiagoacorrea at uol.com.br
Sun Jul 10 21:47:43 CEST 2005


   This is a port of qt-3 configure to build with Qt4. I also did some work in it to generate the files Qt4 needs to build like qconfig.pri, but it's still not working. None the less I spent a lot of time fixing it, so others can help with the remaining things to be done :)

   I will revisit this again, but would like it to be included in cvs so that if someone has more time and wishes to help, it could be completed sooner :)

   Just uncompress it under %QTDIR%, the zip already has the path /misc/configure in it.

   Thiago A. Correa

UOL Fone: Fale com o Brasil e o Mundo com até 90% de economia. 

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