Working Qt4 with

Thiago A. Corrêa thiagoacorrea at
Fri Jul 1 02:54:58 CEST 2005

> >Yes, me too, I did "configure.exe -platform win32-g++", then unpacked the
> >two zipfiles and then I called "nmake" which did the rest. Except for the
> >linker errors on rcc, uic and QtGUI ("undefined symbol '_uncompress' etc.)
> >which I fixed by uncommenting that line.
> I found a solution for that #win32: that works without changing the .pro file.
> You must add the following line to mkspecs/win32-msvc/qmake.conf
> QT_CONFIG		+= zlib qt-zlib qt-libpng qt-libjpeg
> Then recreate all makefiles.

Ah, that's why I didn't had the issue... I only worked on

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