cvs chaos

Steven Boothe steven at
Thu Feb 10 17:55:49 CET 2005

Peter Kümmel wrote:
> A current QT_WIN32_3_3_BRANCH checkout does NOT compile!
> It breacks while compiling qmake.
> What have changed behind the scenes? There are no cvs mails.
> Peter

That doesn't seem to be my problem, but I sure would appreciate any help 
anyone could offer:

C:\Source>set QTDIR=c:\Source\qt-3
C:\Source>set MINGW=c:\MinGW
C:\Source>set PATH=c:\Source\qt-3\bin;c:\MinGW\bin;%PATH%
C:\Source>set QMAKESPEC=win32-g++
C:\Source>cd qt-3
C:\Source\qt-3>configure.bat -verbose
install headers for bootstrapping...
building header copy tool...
Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting "then")
mingw32-make: *** [tmp\moc\release-shared-mt] Error 2

An error occured. Configuration aborted.


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