MAC line breaks - Now a real problem in Qt 3.3/Win32

Andreas Hausladen Andreas.Hausladen at
Fri Sep 17 20:54:57 CEST 2004

QT3/Win32 - 3_3_BRANCH

Because is supported now, it is more important to remove the MAC 
line breaks. does not want them and stops compiling the files and 
the Borland Compiler has a problem with the line continuations (backslash at 
the line end).

Here an example (src/tools/qunicodetables_p.h)

#define SCRIPT_FOR_CHAR( script, c ) \

    script = (QFont::Script)scriptForChar( (c).unicode() )

Due to the blank line, that is a result of the CRCRLF, the second line is 
not treated as a part of the marco. Instead it is processed as a normal 
C/C++ line which produces lots of errors (undefined identifiert 'QFont', ')' 
expected, ... ).


Andreas Hausladen 

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