Chris January chris at atomice.net
Mon Dec 13 10:50:14 CET 2004

Thanks for this. Can you explain exactly what problems you were seeing with
There is a long-standing problem with example programs such as scrollview
(resize the window few time to see what I mean) where painting in the window
and even the whole screen becomes corrupted. I think I've narrowed this down
to the window hierachy but maybe you have some ideas that could help?

This is my first post to this ml so excuse me if I am doing something wrong
I downloaded and tried qt-3 QT_WIN32_3_3_BRANCH. It quickly appeared that
there was a problem with painting. I ran GDI leaks detection tools and found
a problem with pens. The problem is in kernel/qpainter_win.cpp, line 2887:
        HPEN pen = CreatePen (PS_SOLID, 1, RGB (0, 0, 0));
        SelectObject (hdc, hpen);
note the use of pen with CreatePen and hpen with SelectObject. I simply
removed this 2 lines, and it works better now.
I hope this helps.

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