Status of: OpenGL module

Ole Jacob Hagen waterthrill at
Wed Dec 1 23:16:31 CET 2004

Chris January wrote:

>Not the "New" button - but the narrow, empty, unlabelled button to the right
>of *that*.
Well, I tested it out. It looks like a print-button? Well, it crashes 
big time....U were right. ;-)
Shall I send a bug-report to Microsoft? Just kidding....;-)

I will look into why it crashes. It might happen that it doesn't like to 
print opengl stuff's.
It might happen its the gl->renderPixmap(x,y) that causes the problem, 
but I'll try to fix this during tomorrow.

Why doesn't the label-text appear? It might happen I need to recompile it...


Ole J.

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