QT-3 does not contain a C++ editor plugin

Germain Garand germain at ebooksfrance.com
Sat May 24 01:23:42 CEST 2003

Le Vendredi 23 Mai 2003 16:56, Ralf Habacker a écrit :
> To which package are you refering ?
> The last kde3.1 package for example does not contains any development
> application, so I guess you mean the last KDE3.1.1 devel package or some
> previous released qt release.

I'd guess he means "Qt Designer doesn't contain a C++ editor plugin"

it might very well happen if the libcppeditor.so plugin misses some symbol 
(which should show up in the console at startup) or if the path for plugins 
doesn't include $QTDIR/plugins/designer.

I don't know how this particular plugin path is calculated or stored though...


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