Windows account name problems

Erik Montnémery d99em at
Fri Dec 5 02:53:02 CET 2003

It seems that the batch files for starting kde-cygwin mangles my Windows account name, thus making a lot of weird stuff when trying to copy and create preferences to my home dir.
My username is "Erik Montnémery" and obviously contains a space and an extended character. At first try, the batch script really messed up, and i enclosed all paths in "" like so:

mkdir %CYGWIN_ROOT%\home\%USERNAME% --> mkdir "%CYGWIN_ROOT%\home\%USERNAME%"

I think the batch files are actually incorrect as is, and all paths should be enclosed in "", things would mess up just as bad if cygwin was installed in "c:\Program Files\cygwin", which i guess isn't that exotic.

That removed some of the errors, however the 'é' gets mangled at some time and most files are thus copied to /home/cygwin/Erik Montn,mery instead of to my home directory. (It's not that I don't like this Erik Montn,mery guy, he's probably nice, but I'd rather keep my files in my own homedir)

What can I do to make things behave nicer? Should i just rename my windows account? No other apps seems to be bothered by it though, and i kind of like the idea of the account name having the same name as me.

Erik Montnémery
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