[list] RE: [list] qt 3.1 port planing

Chris January kde-cygwin@mail.kde.org
Sun, 17 Nov 2002 21:33:56 -0000

> > > If someone like to join this task (or will take this task)
> let me know.
> > Looks like I'll have Saturday free, so I can play about with
> this then. Let
> > me know if there's anything specific you want me to do.
> >
> Chris, I have recognized some issues with qmake and Makefile
> generation. The
> patches I have applied for qt 3.0.4 does not work at all. Do you feel
> comfortable to fix this issues ?
I did do a patch for this once, but I'm not sure I still have it.
Nethertheless I can pretty much remember what I changed. I didn't have a
chance to look at this on Saturday, but I may tomorrow (Monday), I'll keep
you informed.
