
Alex Zepeda jazepeda@pacbell.net
Wed, 18 Oct 2000 22:33:50 -0700

On Wed, Oct 18, 2000 at 11:55:59PM -0700, Charles Samuels wrote:

> If I ate from that hand, it'd hurt me inside, every time.

Rolaids.. spells relief.. Killfile... erm.. yeah ;)

> And anyway, still, someone has yet to come up with a reasonable excuse for 
> using spaces :)

Stupidity?  After all, people still do stupid things.  Look at Ford.  
Ehm, Quality is whatever cost them less than $4.  Look at Microsoft.  Oh,
maybe you could get all Freudian and conclude more spaces == more penis.  
Yeah, that's it.

- alex