Licensing for cxx-kde-frameworks (Rust bridge for KF6)

Sune Vuorela nospam at
Mon Nov 4 08:50:56 GMT 2024

On 2024-11-03, Neal Gompa <ngompa13 at> wrote:
> It's not that simple. The reason I suggested MPL-2.0 is because
> LGPL-2.1-or-later is effectively the same as GPL-2.0-or-later with
> Rust because it's statically linked.
> MPL-2.0 preserves the copyleft at a per source file level, but allows
> the binary artifact to have a composition of compatible licenses
> (including the GNU ones). This is the least messy for Rust bindings to
> LGPL libraries.

On second thoughts, I'm not even sure we need the copyleft protections
that much here, since
 - The rust bindings is probably quite shallow shells
 - The real 'important' things lives in already (l)gpl licensed

That also makes the usual Rust MIT/Apache2 dual license useful. We just
also need to make sure that people knows the thing effectively is (l)gpl.

I think I at least won't object to adding a snippet to licensing
policies that Rust code can be MIT/Apache2


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