CI log verbosity

Ben Cooksley bcooksley at
Sat Nov 4 09:09:02 GMT 2023

On Sat, Nov 4, 2023 at 2:48 AM Ingo Klöcker <kloecker at> wrote:

> On Freitag, 3. November 2023 13:01:26 CET Harald Sitter wrote:
> > What are your thoughts on having the CI be less verbose by default and
> > instead have an env var or some other toggle to switch into verbose
> > mode?
> +1
> Ideally, the verbose logs would be written to an artifact. Otherwise, it
> will
> be painful to debug intermittent problems. I think the Craft jobs now do
> this
> (also in response to insanely verbose output of some builds which made it
> impossible to see the actual error).

Unfortunately the test log output is all governed by CMake/CTest so there
isn't too much we can do ourselves - not without doing quite a bit of work
to read XML files produced by CTest anyway.

> > Specifically I'm talking about the qtlogging rules that are currently
> > enabling everything and the kitchen sink. To my mind we should just
> > use the default rules by default.
> > I find that 99% of the time the output is entirely useless in finding
> > what is wrong, if anything it gets in the way because I first have to
> > find where the test failure is and then instead of reading walls of qt
> > plugin info I will just proceed to reproduce the problem locally
> > anyway.
> Full ACK. I'm almost always only interested in finding the error which
> caused
> the CI job to fail and sometimes in seeing compiler warnings.
> Regards,
> Ingo

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