Retirement of IRC Services and (Jabber)

Ben Cooksley bcooksley at
Sun May 21 10:37:45 BST 2023

Hi all,

For some time now, the level of use of our IRC services - notably being
Pursuivant and the Telegram Matterbridge, but also including sKreamer - has
been on the decline.

I'd therefore like to permanently retire all three of these services.

Depending on the level of community interest, we may opt to retain
pursuivant however i'd like for it to be rebuilt as a Matrix native service
rather than being a continuation of our existing irker based bot that
occasionally has issues and falls off.

Given that we are now fairly well migrated to Matrix, the need to maintain
our Telegram bridging is much reduced, and i'd therefore like to retire
that without replacement.

In terms of sKreamer, it's primary utility has been to provide
announcements of Forum posts and bugbot services. With Matrix providing
site previews, and the Forum in imminent replacement by Discourse, both of
these are no longer necessary - so i'd like to retire it without
replacement as well.

The only remaining service of contention here is the BNC, which has
significantly less use now than it did many years ago - with only 30 active
connections at the time of writing. It therefore appears to be of much less
need than it was in years past, and i'd also like to retire it as well.

Finally, many years ago (prior to my time in Sysadmin) we started providing
Jabber services for the domains and Due to abuse
however, we have for a long time had to have registration on
disabled ( was always a manual registration). Much like the BNC,
this appears to only have 19 active clients at the time of writing. As our
official channel for chat is essentially Matrix now, I would like to retire
this as well.

Together, all of these retirements will allow us to retire one of our
smaller DigitalOcean servers (the load all of these generate is
computationally small and thus cheap, however they do occupy mental
headspace that is better served focusing on other areas of our

Comments on the above?

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