Plasma Welcome Center on KDEReview

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Fri Sep 16 22:31:47 BST 2022

El divendres, 16 de setembre de 2022, a les 17:59:54 (CEST), Nate Graham va 
> Hello folks!
> I've been working with Aleix on an onboarding wizard for Plasma, based
> on work originally started by Felipe Kinoshita last year.
> You can see some screenshots at
> 63d8a85ba391bbcc1de691148.

Those screenshots show me the Wayland icon, please fix.

> I'd like to target Plasma 5.27 for release and am submitting it for
> KDEReview. The repo is at

I see the app has a but I remain unconvinced that the generated 
welcomecenter.po generated file is used.

When run on my computer i can't see any buttons on the top "toolbar" (they are 
there since generally clicking where they should be gets the thing to go next/
prev). What dependency version are you interested in knowing that may be 
causing this?


> Nate

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