Croutons in kdereview

Kevin Ottens ervin at
Wed Oct 27 16:05:52 BST 2021


I don't think Jonah's question got an answer. If it did somehow it didn't show 
up in my mail client and my apologies in advance. :-)

In any case I've been wondering exactly the same thing. I'm asking because the 
fate of libraries like QCoro and Croutons would be to end up in KDE Frameworks 
at some point (at least would make sense to me). It'd be odd to have two 
overlapping libraries like this.


On Monday, 30 August 2021 13:10:35 CEST Jonah BrĂ¼chert wrote:
> Hi Janet,
> I know I have asked this earlier already, but what is the relationship
> between your library and QCoro?
> Especially now that we are starting to use QCoro in some KDE projects
> (namely spacebar and plasma-dialer), it would be really unfortunate if
> they are not compatible.
> The scope of both libraries seems to largely overlap, except for the
> future type that can be passed to JavaScript, which I think is something
> that QCoro is missing.
> I hope this hasn't been asked already on this list, but I tried to check
> all replies I could find.
> Thanks,
> Jonah
> Am 29.08.21 um 05:10 schrieb Janet Blackquill:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > is in kdereview now
> > 
> > Croutons is a library containing assorted functionality for dealing
> > with asynchronous code in Qt, most notably a future type that can be
> > passed into QML as a JavaScript Thennable (similarly to Qt IVI's
> > PendingReply) and headers for C++20 coroutine integration for the
> > Croutons Future types + some Qt types that make sense to co_await.
> > 
> > The library is largely headers-only, sans the FutureBase, which has
> > one (1) associated source file needing to be compiled into a binary.
> > 
> > -- Janet

Kevin Ottens,

enioka Haute Couture - proud patron of KDE,
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