KDE review for KWeatherCore

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Thu Feb 25 07:26:49 GMT 2021

David Faure wrote:
> I remember looking at the plasma weather-engine but most of the data
> sources didn't have information about wind, and wind is very very
> important where I live (it's actually blowing up to 105 km/h at the very
> moment) :)

api.met.no provides wind speed and wind direction in their locationforecast 
API (the one KWeatherCore uses).

The BBC RSS used by the Plasma weather dataengine also includes this data 
(both for the current weather and for the forecast days), but the Plasma 
widget does not display it for the forecast days (only the current data, in 
the top left). So that is a client-side limitation, not a data source 

        Kevin Kofler

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