Is there (going to be) an auto-retracer service for KDE?

Martin Klapetek martin.klapetek at
Mon Apr 26 16:47:58 BST 2021

On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 7:07 AM Harald Sitter <sitter at> wrote:

> Also going off on a tangent: On windows I understand the store already
> has crash tracking and all that stuff implemented, I expect the same
> is true for OSX? No idea about android

Just chiming in about Android - if an app is installed from Play Store,
the store itself will collect crash traces, both Java and native ones.
However those traces will have the same issue - they won't have
the debug stuff for native ones; they will for Java crashes unless
the code has been obfuscated in the release build, which is actually
very common. To deobfuscate those traces, the debug symbols can
be uploaded to the Play Store (or the mapping file in case of Java),
but it's a manual process which must be done for every single release.

There are also alternatives to Play Store's traces collecting - there are
many SDKs that can be integrated into the app code that will collect
all crashes and upload them to a web service (basically a DrKonqi
equivalent...maybe DrKonqi could be turned into Android framework
for crash reporting?), but then the same debug symbols issue will exist
there. Some of these SDKs also provide a simple gradle task (build
system step) that will auto-upload those debug symbols to their web
service as part of the release build, sorta automating that process.
But these are generally closed/paid 3rd party services, so not entirely
useful for KDE. There may be open alternatives, but I haven't really
looked into that.
Finally, setting these up is usually a single line in the (Android) App's
so this could potentially work with Qt apps on Android too.

Martin Klapetek
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