KOpeningHours in kdereview

Volker Krause vkrause at kde.org
Thu Dec 10 20:17:39 GMT 2020

On Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2020 20:27:07 CET Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> On Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2020 17:56:15 CET Volker Krause wrote:
> > The most notable feature gap compared to the official specification is
> > probably school holidays, we lack a collection of international data for
> > that so far. That only occurs in about 2k out of the 1.8M opening hours
> > expressions in the full OSM database, so that's not a massive problem in
> > practice.
> I'd say that currently the most notable feature gap is lack of knowledge
> about Corona lock-downs. I guess that currently a massive amount of
> locations are not open even if the opening hours data in OSM says so. :/

OSM models this with https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/
DE:Key:opening_hours:covid19 - same format as far as the parser is concerned, 
but you are right that this isn't taken into account in KDE Itinerary yet. 
OTOH KDE Itinerary itself is pretty useless during a pandemic...


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