KDEREVIEW: Proposing utilities/markdownpart to become community/release-service-managed
Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau at kde.org
Sun Aug 23 23:30:13 BST 2020
Am Samstag, 15. August 2020, 19:20:53 CEST schrieb Friedrich W. H. Kossebau:
> Note: for now Qt 5.15-only, 5.14 possible but untested.
BTW, thanks to feedback the min dependencies are now lowered to Qt 5.14 & KF
> I would like to propose markdownpart for a move into community maintenance
> mode and becoming part of release service managed projects starting with RS
> 20.12. It would match graphics/svgpart in the mode (whose code mode BTW is
> aƶso similar, mainly a wrapper around QSvgRenderer & QGraphicsView).
Small plan change here:
given 20.12 is quite some weeks away still, markdownpart should move post-
kdereview first into extragear, for one or two releases with the initial
feedback added and especially translations, and only then enter release
service latest in November before the repo freeze.
Makes sense?
Otherwise thanks for review & feedback so far. Seems there have no obstacles
come up so far, so upcoming Saturday markdownpart can then leave the current
stage, and would go to extragear/utils, right into preparation of first full
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