Is kdeinit still actual?

Alexander Volkov avolkov at
Mon Apr 27 11:53:38 BST 2020


The documentation 

"Using kdeinit to launch KDE applications makes starting a typical KDE 
applications 2.5 times faster

(100ms instead of 250ms on a P-III 500) It reduces memory consumption by 
approx. 350Kb per application."

There is no mention of how the startup times were measured, but I guess 
that on modern CPUs they are much less.

Besides, kdeinit is used mainly to start kded and KIO slaves, but kded 
alone can be started faster than kdeinit + kded.

As for KIO slaves, they are started from processes that are already 
linked with many KDE libraries and there is no

much benefit in starting them from kdeinit.

So, does it still makes sense to use kdeinit?



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