HiDPI issues with KDE applications

Christoph Cullmann christoph at cullmann.io
Sat Sep 28 16:37:57 BST 2019

On 2019-09-28 17:34, Albert Vaca Cintora wrote:
> If this has to be done for all apps, why isn't it done at Qt level?

Because in some cases, that breaks the application, e.g. if it expects
pixel to be real physical pixel 1:1.

Therefore, after changing that, one needs to try the application if it 
behaves OK.

(I did that for KWrite/Kate)


> On Sat, Sep 28, 2019 at 5:05 PM Christoph Cullmann
> <christoph at cullmann.io> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just checked again the HIDPI support of Kate/KWrite on Windows and 
>> it
>> "sucked".
>> It seems we never properly did setup the stuff to auto-scale, e.g. the
>>   QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling, true);
>> call was missing, we only had the
>>   QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps, true);
>> part that we sprinkled in most of KDE's things in the past.
>> I now rectified that for Kate/KWrite, shall we do this for all our
>> applications?
>> Greetings
>> Christoph
>> --
>> Ignorance is bliss...
>> https://cullmann.io | https://kate-editor.org

Ignorance is bliss...
https://cullmann.io | https://kate-editor.org

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