Moving Konsole to Gitlab

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Sat May 25 23:16:27 BST 2019

El dissabte, 25 de maig de 2019, a les 13:10:09 CEST, Tomaz Canabrava va escriure:
> People,
> I'v talked to Kurt and Nate this week about my current frustrations with
> Phabricator, last week I got a few important patches messed up in the way
> that only phab can do for you. And we agreed that a move to Gitlab is
> desired, I talke to ben about it and he made me aware that this can impact
> KDE release schedule.
> So, here I'm, I don't know what can happen if a kde-core app moves to
> gitlab now, I know that most of the apps there are from extragear. Maybe
> it's time to shift more projects to it.
> I'm adding Albert as cc since I belive that he knows this more than I do.

There's already several(4) KDE Applications being released from invent.k.o

It isn't really a problem for us.


> Best,
> Tomaz

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