KDiff3 1.8 release.

Eike eike.sauer at web.de
Sun Mar 17 19:18:51 GMT 2019


Am Samstag, 16. März 2019, 17:19:17 CET schrieben Sie:
> On Sat, Mar 16, 2019, 1:14 PM Jonathan Riddell <jr at jriddell.org> wrote:
> > I see Debian has a 1.7 release, where is that available?
> If it's truly 1.7 its based off a partial kf5 port that was never released.
> Don't remember off hand who created. 1.7.90 would be an older version of my
> code not officially released.

I uploaded an untagged 1.7.90 version to Debian so it could still make it
in the next Debian release buster (which is supposed to get rid of QT4).
=> https://packages.debian.org/buster/kdiff3

> > Eike is the Debian packaging managed in a repo somewhere?  Are you
> > interested in making it part of the KDE Qt Debian team?

KDiff3 Debian packaging is managed all old-fashioned on my local PC
(for over 15 years now...). :)
I didn't yet engage in team packaging...

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