Falkon in kdereview

Tobias C. Berner tcberner at freebsd.org
Wed Feb 28 17:26:51 GMT 2018

I think Qt except Webengine and Webkit has debug symbols in the CI

Mfg Tobias

Am 28.02.2018 12:30 schrieb "Adriaan de Groot" <groot at kde.org>:

> On Wednesday, February 28, 2018 6:10:36 AM EST David Rosca wrote:
> > There are also some autotests, although they are rather unstable on
> > FreeBSD build. It looks like crash in QtWebEngine, but the backtrace
> > from CI is without symbols, so it is unfortunately useless.
> The KDE-FreeBSD developers are generally happy with *using* Qupzilla /
> Falkon
> though -- it's the autotests that fall over, not the browser itself.
> Something
> we'll have to look at by hand. Don't let it be a blocker.
> That said, the FreeBSD CI VMs should have debug symbols, so we'll have to
> look
> at that since -- as you notice -- it makes the CI less useful for
> application
> developers.
> [ade]
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