Moving AtCore to Extragear

Lays Rodrigues laysrodriguessilva at
Mon May 22 13:32:48 BST 2017

Good morning everyone,
For you that don't know me, I'm Lays Rodrigues, and I work with 3 more
guys(Patrick, Chris, Tomaz) on Atelier.
Atelier is a software for 3DPrinting that we are building inside KDE. So
far we have 10 months of work, and we are ready for the launch of our core,
in this case, is AtCore.
AtCore is the API responsible for all serial communication, and for
validating more of our work, we would like to launch the 0.1 version with
the next KDE Applications release.
I was told that Extragear applications don't need to follow KDE releases,
but we thought that would be better to follow the release schedule on the
first launches, so we can fix, for us, a deadline.
So for this first step, we want to move AtCore from the Playground to
Extragear, and launch it with its test client, where we can make the core
stronger, so when we launch Atelier, we know that everything will be stable.
Our targets are all Gnu/Linux distros, and we already have inside Craft a
port for Windows with packing configured and working.

Well, so I would like to require this review and moving to Extragear.
This is my first KDE application, so I maybe kind of lost.

P.s: You can find more info about the status of the project on my blog here

Thanks all,

*Lays Rodrigues*
*Software Developer at KDE*
*Intern at Rede Globo*
*Computer Science student at Federal Fluminense University*
* <>*
*Telegram: @lays147*
*IRC: lays147*
*Phone: +55 22 981520012 <+55%2022%2098152-0012>*
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