Plasma-Mycroft is in kdereview

Christophe Giboudeaux christophe at
Thu Dec 14 20:10:33 GMT 2017


On mardi 5 décembre 2017 08:52:18 CET Aditya Mehra wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is a request email for the review process of the mycroft plasmoid, the
> plasma-mycroft project has been moved to kdereview
> The repository url:

Just commenting on the build system part.
In the top CMakeLists.txt :
-  AUTHOR, EMAIL, BUG_ADDRESS are set but not used anywhere, just remove them.
- install( DIRECTORY mycroft DESTINATION /etc ) → use ${SYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR} 
instead of /etc
- Instead of using install( DIRECTORY ...), please use ecm_install_icons from 
- in plugin/CMakeLists.txt, you include pkgconfig but don't use it for 

other notes :
- COPYING contains the GPL-2.0 license but nothing needs it
- is GPL-3.0+ but there's no license file in the repository
- There's a wikipedia icon in the repo, don't forget the terms (the 
attribution part) :
- some files in plasmoid/content/ui don't have a license header
- there's a .directory file in plasmoid/contents/images, this should probably 
not be in the repo :)

That's all.

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