Plasma-Mycroft is in kdereview

Aditya Mehra aix.m at
Tue Dec 5 07:52:18 GMT 2017

Hi all,

This is a request email for the review process of the mycroft plasmoid, the plasma-mycroft project has been moved to kdereview

The repository url:

Mycroft plasmoid is a desktop frontend that interacts with the Mycroft Core. It is an open source community committed technology that ties natural language processing, text-to-speech, speech-to-text, and powerful APIs together to create a powerful experience allowing users to manipulate their devices through voice control. Mycroft AI is the digital implementation of a modern day open source virtual assistant on the Linux platform that can help a user conduct a multitude of task via voice / text. The plasmoid aims at making the virtual assistant a central hub of information and desktop control assistance on the plasma desktop providing the user a new innovative layer of voice control and desktop interactive technology.

Expected destination initially for the plasmoid would be extragears, for self management of releases, bug fixes.

Looking forward to the review process

Aditya Mehra
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