State of Audio CD support in KDE
Albert Astals Cid
aacid at
Tue Sep 29 23:39:16 BST 2015
El Dimarts, 29 de setembre de 2015, a les 04:05:36, Boudhayan Gupta va escriure:
> Hi all,
> In porting libKCompactDisc from kdelibs4 to kf5 I've discovered that
> libKCompactDisc doesn't actually work, in that it can neither detect
> an audio CD in the drive nor play it.
> Further, looking at the code of other KDE projects I've discovered no
> one actually uses libKCompactDisc to play audio CDs. We have:
> *audiocd-kio, which uses the library to get the number of tracks in the
> disc. *audex, which just crashes (it uses the library to get a list of CD
> drives, apparently).
> *kaudiocreator depends on it, but lxr doesn't show any usage of
> "KCompactDisc" in it.
./kaudiocreator.kcfg:21: <default code="true">KCompactDisc::defaultCdromDeviceName()</default>
seems to be the only use i can find.
> *kscd doesn't use it anymore.
> In all, KCompactDisc hasn't probably worked for years and no one's
> noticed because no one's been using it.
> In terms of support for Audio CDs in KDE,
> * K3B can write them.
> * Phonon the API can play them, with some minor but weird bugs.
> And that's it.
Does solid offer some support?
I guess at least it can say how many drives are there
but maybe nothing related to Audio-CD itself?
> I think we need to take a long hard look at the state of support for
> Red Book CDs in KDE and decide:
> a) Do we still want to support them, and
> b) If yes, to what degree do we support them?
I'd say we totally want to support them. The question is if there's
something that can be shared in an library or should it be app specific.
The things i can think of doing with an Audio-CD are:
* ripping it
* playing it
* copying it to another Audio-CD
Ripping and playing have some "common" stuff that is:
* Finding the CD drive that actually has a Audio-CD inside (if you have muliple drivers and others
are either empty or have data CDs)
* Listing the number of tracks and their info (cddb, or whatever)
* Extracting data to either feed it to the player or ripper
So I think that having a library that those these 3 basic things is a good thing, once we have it we
can see how to make it used in kio-audiocd, kaudiocreator, kscd or whatever cd apps we decide to have.
I can't think of a "common" stuff between copying and and ripping/playing.
Anyone else?
> Based on that, I'll decide whether and how to kill/repurpose/fix
> KCompactDisc and other apps which work with it.
> Cheers,
> Boudhayan Gupta
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