kde-workspace repository locked

Michael Pyne mpyne at kde.org
Sat Sep 26 23:51:08 BST 2015

On Sun, September 27, 2015 09:57:30 Ben Cooksley wrote:
> Hi all,
> Per the request of the Plasma team, the kde-workspace repository on
> git.kde.org has now been locked to prevent any further changes.
> If there are any problems with this, please let us know.

I'd just ask that a notice be left within the files of repository itself (e.g. 
a README.git) with the same information, that way one won't have to web search 
later to figure out why they can't push to kde-workspace.

Though even there I suppose that would leave open the question of which git 
branches to leave the readme in... but 'master' should suffice, I would think.

 - Michael Pyne

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