Porting to frameworks 2: libkcompactdisc
Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau at kde.org
Fri Sep 4 12:59:57 BST 2015
Am Freitag, 4. September 2015, 02:28:49 schrieb Alexander Potashev:
> 2015-09-04 0:49 GMT+03:00 Jeremy Whiting <jpwhiting at kde.org>:
> > Second project I took a quick stab at libkcompactdisc which
> > audiocd-kio will need (which amarok will need for playing audio cds
> > once it's ported to qt5/kf5 too). I pushed to a frameworks branch and
> > it builds, but the resulting library is called
> > libkcompactdisc.so.SOVERSION. I guess we need to set a specific
> > version for this library, probably bumped from what the old
> > qt4/kdelibs4 version was?
> Hi Jeremy,
> I think the new fancy library naming scheme is
> "libKF5Xxx.so.SOVERSION", regardless of it being part of KF5 or not.
> Thus libKF5CompactDisc.so.5.
If that really is the scheme (is that noted somewhere?), I would ask to
reconsider it. For once, because it will result in clashes if a lib really
becomes part of KF5 (and thus becomes part of other packages which might be
installed together with a package where the lib was initially in, unless the
lib is the only content of the package, so that can be completely replaced by
the KF5 package)
And also does it blur the hint by the name if something is part of KF5 or not.
This lib may be using KF5, but it is not KF5. That namespace should be left to
KF5 libs, like libQt* is left to Qt libs.
I would rather propose libkcompactdisc2.so.SOVERSION here, so namespacing by
postfix number. There is also the pattern libkcompactdisc-qt5.so.SOVERSION,
which strikes out the dep to qt5, but not my favourite due to that
verboseness. :)
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