New repo for review: Breeze GTK

Jonathan Riddell jr at
Fri Oct 23 15:36:03 BST 2015

On 23 October 2015 at 14:07, David Edmundson <david at> wrote:
> Repo contains GTK 2 and GTK 3 themes which are similar to Breeze.

awooga :)

>  i18n - I've not set branches in p.k.o as there are no translations. GTK
> theme names seem to be used as-is.

seems sensible

>  licenses - we don't have a license at the top of every file. Is it needed
> in this case?

No just in the top directory is fine.

What shall we do with gtkbreeze, the kconf update binary to set the
theme?  Should it be changed to set the theme to breeze?  I suppose it
should also be changed to set the font too.


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