GCompris in kdereview

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Mon Mar 30 00:35:11 BST 2015

Le 30/03/2015 01:22, Albert Astals Cid a écrit :
> El Dilluns, 30 de març de 2015, a les 01:18:16, Bruno Coudoin va escriure:
>> Le 30/03/2015 00:37, Albert Astals Cid a écrit :
>>> El Dimecres, 25 de març de 2015, a les 23:03:21, Holger Kaelberer va 
> escriure:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> let me update some of the points below:
>>>> Pls. let us know if we miss any important points regarding KDE
>>>> policies/practices/etc. Otherwise we would be happy if GCompris could be
>>>> accepted in extragear as we'd really like to switch over to a release
>>>> branch git workflow, which would simplify development.
>>> There's still no .desktop file, as said, i'd really appreciate one.
>> Hi,
>> It there but in the devel branch:
>> http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=gcompris.git&a=tree&hb=87345383efae7d7b30c03ea64b
>> c03f0db37d4d2b
> Well, you should really have mentioned we had to look at another branch than 
> master, master is the branch we usually look at when reviews are asked.
I already mentioned that the 16th of march on this list: "Thanks for
your pointers. I pushed a desktop and an appdata file on the
devel branch."

> How different is that devel branch from master?

As we cannot have a translated stable branch and we need to maintain the
published android version, we had no choice and made our master branch
the stable branch.

All the developments are done in the devel branch, including the
documentation efforts.


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