Moving akonadi from kdesupport and akonadi-search from playground

Daniel Vrátil dvratil at
Mon Jul 20 15:17:16 BST 2015

Hi all,

we (the KDE PIM team) kinda screwed up when we forgot to communicate our 
intentions about
next KDE PIM release with the release team and we ended up in a 
situation that we have
some repositories in modules from which they cannot be released as part 
of KDE Applications,
so releasing KF5-based KDE PIM as part of KDE Applications is currently 

Normally I'd have to ask for the 2-week review period before moving the 
repos but since we are
under a big time pressure and because the modules have both proven 
themselves (see below),
I kindly ask for those repositories to be granted an exception to the 
review period and they
can be moved right away.

akonadi-search repository contains PIM-specific code that originally 
lived in Baloo repository
and was split out when Baloo switched to KF5. We only ported the code to 
KF5 and removed all
mentions of "Baloo" from code (it's now Akonadi::Search namespace). 
Technically this code
already went through review when Baloo has been reviewed for move from 
playground, and also
during Baloo development, and has been actively used with KDE PIM 4.x 
for several releases.

akonadi I think has proven itself well enough in during the years :)

I'd like to move both repositories to kde/pim module where other KDE PIM 
repos (mostly those
split from kdepimlibs) currently live.

If that's fine with everyone I'd request the move ASAP.


Daniel Vrátil | dvratil at
IRC: dvratil on Freenode (#kde, #kontact, #akonadi, #fedora-kde)

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