SFLPhone-KDE is now Ring-KDE and is moving to kdereview

Elv1313 . elv1313 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 13:05:27 GMT 2015

/my opinion

Mostly politics,

Some users do really refuse to use Qt apps, don't ask me why, I never
understood. As for nativeness, Qt on OSX never felt that native, it is
even worst with Yosemite new style. VLC and Transmission did the same,
they have a default Qt client for Windows and Linux, then a native
client for OSX and an alternate GTK client for Linux. These days,
SFLPhone have about a 50/50 split between the KDE and GTK clients, but
historically there is a lot of GTK users. I know you managed to
overcome that on Subsurface, as did Wireshark, GCompris and LXDE, but
Savoir-faire Linux (my employer and sponsor of the project) have been
friendly with the Gnome project over the years, helping them setup
their meeting in Montreal a few years back. By not taking position,
they also preserve a kind of neutrality for the image of the company.
Yes, the return on investment for the overhead is disputable, but
politics always is. In the end a GTK client was an hard requirement,
and I am fine with that ( as long as I don't have to code it :P ).
Then after all, the client logic is in this library. It almost
exclusively expose models and proxy models, so other clients will be
thin clients with a bunch of custom widgets, it wont get very

On 20 January 2015 at 07:11, Tomaz Canabrava <tcanabrava at kde.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 8:20 PM, Elv1313 . <elv1313 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ok,
>> I pushed some changes to:
>> * clean the BookmarkModel d-pointer issues
>> * rename Contact "d" to d_ptr
>> * Remove the legacyhistorybackend as import from 2 years old version
>> isn't important anymore
>> * Fix the cmakelist duplicated line
>> Missing d-pointers:
>> * The ringtone model, a new version is in a github branch, I have yet
>> to review and merge it
>> * SecurityEvaluationModel is currently being rewriten, fixing it now
>> is pointless, the new version wont be ready before this review expire
>> All other classes without d-pointer are interfaces or proxy models,
>> they don't need d-pointers.
>> Regards,
>> Emmanuel Lepage
>> On 14 January 2015 at 18:22, Elv1313 . <elv1313 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hello Albert,
>> >
>> > Thanks for your comments.
>> >
>> >> * src/abstractitembackend.h is twice in libringclient_LIB_HDRS
>> >
>> > I will fix that, thanks, maybe we should add a Krazy2 check for that.
>> > I know Laurent Model has posted one on planetkde.org for the code
>> > a while back, I haven’t used it yet.
>> >
>> >> * You have some d-pointers in some of your classes but not on others,
>> >> why is
>> > that?
>> >
>> > Umm, I was under the impression I had fixed that in the commit before
>> > posting
>> > this email. Krazy2 doesn't seem to analyze LibRingClient yet, even if I
>> > checked it on projects.kde.org. Maybe it does really take more than 5
>> > days?
>> > Anyhow, I will fix more of them. Some classes are really just templates
>> > aliases
>> > + QObject inheritance, so those obviously don't need d-pointers. Other
>> > simply
>> > have no private members, I am not sure if I should add d-pointer to
>> > those just
>> > in case, maybe I should.
>> >
>> >> * There's a catch regarding translations. You are using
>> >> $XGETTEXT_QT in your Messages.sh. That creates a .po file that only
>> >> works for
>> >> clients that access those translations via kdelibs4 i18n() (or maybe
>> >> other
>> >> gettext wrappers) but not (i think) via kf5 ki18n() or plain Qt tr().
>> >> For Qt5
>> >> we have $EXTRACT_TR_STRINGS that creates a proper .tr file to use with
>> >> Qt5 (no
>> >> idea if it works with Qt4, maybe it does). This is a bit weird too
>> >> because
>> >> your branch has both Qt4 and Qt5 support in the same branch but our
>> >> translation system is build around the expectation that there will be
>> >> separate
>> >> branches and thus they will have different Messages.sh catering for
>> >> each qt4
>> >> and qt5. At this stage I'm not sure what's the best thing for you guys
>> >> to do
>> >> :/ Are you mainly targetting qt4 or qt5 for clients to use?
>> >
>> > The problem is that we are doing a very major release right now and the
>> > kf5 port
>> > is not ready yet, so it wont make the cut for our deadlines. There is 2
>> > or 3
>> > other projects trying to release a fully decentralized and secure
>> > communication
>> > playform right now. We think we still are the closest to that, so we
>> > hurry up.
>> > I prefer to spend my time on security details than KF5 port for the next
>> > month,
>> > so we will miss the spring distribution cycle for KF5. After the 2.0
>> > release,
>> > getting rid of the Qt4 support will be something I will do. I don't care
>> > about
>> > Qt4 at this point, but the KDE ui is still using KDE4 and I also wait
>> > for KDEPim
>> > kf5 support to mature before doing the switch. The others clients, such
>> > as GTK
>> > and OS X, use Qt5 and some patches are starting to be Qt5 only, but I
>> > don't
>> > want to drop Qt4 until about mid-March. I guess translation support that
>> > works
>> > on KDE4 is better than nothing for now. The new OSX and Gnome client
>> > don't have
>> > any translations yet anyway, so the fact that the few tr() in
>> > libringclient are
>> > not translated don't have an impact on them yet.
> May I ask why to create a Gtk and OSX native clients if Qt can work pretty
> well on an Gnome enviroment and also on OSX?
> not arguing, just a silly doubt. :)
>> >
>> > As you saw, it also cause the CMakeLists.txt to be ugly and bloated and
>> > I also
>> > have to keep the deprecated/qt4support flag on. I also can't use the
>> > abstract
>> > proxy model and other classes that made their way into QtCore, nor
>> > switch to
>> > the much easier to lint connect() syntax. There is quite a few //TODO
>> > qt5 in
>> > the code. This is a (temporary) very bad situation...
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > Emmanuel

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