Holes in KDE (fork of "Changes in Git Infra" thread)

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Sat Jan 10 15:43:09 GMT 2015

El Dissabte, 10 de gener de 2015, a les 23:10:47, Ian Wadham va escriure:
> On 10/01/2015, at 8:49 PM, Luca Beltrame wrote:
> > For reference, I'm one of the KDE Community Forum adminstrators (aka the
> > "green guys").
> > 
> > In reply to what Ian Wadham wrote:
> >> So what CAN I do?  This needs major re-phrasing --- hopefully as
> >> positives
> >> rather than negatives.
> > 
> > This comes from the upstream software we use - phpBB. I admit it's written
> > in a not-so-friendly way, but there's little we can do at this point:
> > mainly because we try (reasonably) to avoid modifying the upstream
> > software too much, because that has a maintenance cost (and we already
> > are short on skilled people and we already have some modifications to the
> > forum software wrt upstream).
> > 
> >> I have one.  Otherwise, I would have to register a new KDE Identity in
> >> order to reply, for example, to a "maintainer wanted" post(?)
> > 
> > Yes, the forum requires a valid KDE Identity login.
> > 
> >> more.  Another possible turnoff.  Speaking for myself, I almost
> >> invariably
> >> click away from sites that want you to register, unless I am really,
> >> really interested.
> > 
> > Unfortunately, this is unavoidable as forums as large as KDE's attract a
> > whole load of bots, spammers, and other ad-spewers. Even with registration
> > enabled (and checks to external services to prevent obvious spammers) we
> > have to kill several spam posts per day.
> > Also IMO registration is to keep a minimal barrier of entry to prevent
> > flames and other unwanted behavior (granted, the forums behave
> > exceptionally well - few times we've had to poke people to behave).
> > 
> > Hopefully this clears things up.
> Yes, it does.  I understand.  I guess I could add a rider paragraph to
> anything I post, to reassure newbies to persevere with the way the site
> does things and to say that they will not sign their life away or receive
> endless emails and ads by getting a KDE Identity. KDE really does need new
> recruits --- badly.

Ian, I'd appreciate if you could write your emails not as if the world was 
going to end. Every of your emails seems as if things were very bad, they are 
not, they can be improved, yes, but reading your emails, if i were a newbie, 
i'd ran away from what you paint as a dying project.


> Cheers, Ian W.

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