[KDE/Mac] Multiplatform frameworks

Jeremy Whiting jpwhiting at kde.org
Sat Feb 28 12:20:27 GMT 2015

On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 4:51 AM, René J.V. <rjvbertin at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Saturday February 28 2015 22:00:07 Ian Wadham wrote:
> Hi Ian,
> > Esprit d'escalier.  We could change GenericDataDir in QStandardPaths to
> be:
> >
> >      "~/Library/Application Support/Qt5", "/Library/Application
> Support/Qt5"
> >
> > That would work for ALL applications that use Qt5 and QSP, regardless of
> origin,
> > and would be a more "correct" usage of Apple OS X by the Qt 5 libraries.
> And then you'd have to duplicate or migrate everything by the time Qt 6
> comes out ...
> I'd hope that Qt version-specific stuff is already installed by Qt itself
> in an appropriate place that's under configure control (${prefix}/share/qt5
> with my qt5-mac-devel port).

Then data will all be under ~/Library/Application Support/Qt5/appname ?
that's a bit cleaner, but why would Qt/KDE applications need to use a
namespace like that when apple's own applications don't? Here I see
~/Library/Application Support/kf5 for all frameworks as it is, I don't
think any frameworks or applications are using GenericDataLocation
directly, they all use a subfolder of it, otherwise we would see
application data files in /usr/share on linux which isn't recommended

> The other issue is: how is the build system going to decide in which of
> the 2 locations above to install stuff?
> Has  KF5 done away with a ~/.kde/share equivalent that (partly) overrides
> things in ${prefix}/share?

kf5 based libraries and applications on linux are using
~/.local/applicationname mostly now. which overrides ${prefix}/share yes.

> > > Crowding out isn't the biggest issue, BTW & IMHO, it's the risk that
> we end up overwriting or
> > > otherwise interfering with stuff that's not ours but happens to be "in
> the way".
> >
> > I was thinking the same.  I come from an environment where everything
> had to be "uniquified":
> And as I said earlier, there's also the question of all the non-KDE/KF5
> applications that use freedesktop/xdg-style data paths that are conceived
> to be shared with KDE/KF5 (icons, themes, styles, the shared-mime database,
> .desktop/.service/dbus files, etc). There are loads of those in MacPorts
> (and Fink, and ...) and I think they're more widely used than KDE
> applications, so we have to factor in their existence. As well as MacPorts'
> policy to install everything in its own prefix (as well as the policies of
> the other major packaging efforts). There are just too many dependencies
> not to use MacPorts or similar, and OS X is different enough from Linux to
> make rolling our own standalone, "do-as-the-romans-do" distribution scheme
> a daunting task that I won't have anything to do with.

Which of those are using Qt or QStandardPaths though?

> R.
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