[KDE/Mac] Multiplatform frameworks

Ralf Habacker ralf at habacker.de
Sat Feb 28 08:32:52 GMT 2015

Am 28.02.2015 um 08:12 schrieb Ian Wadham:
> But I do not know how or when this could be done.  Clearly, we cannot hard-wire that into
> the QSP code, because there are other apps that use Qt but do not come from the KDE
> Community.  It would be easy enough to put it into ECM modules when building KF5 or
> Frameworks software, but then how would that info be given to QSP within *every* KF5
> executable, GUI or not-GUI, before the first call to QSP?
Qt has a concept of overriding hard coded pathes build in qt by using a
file named qt.conf, see http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qt-conf.html. It just
lacks support for QStandardPaths to be usable for KF5.


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