Distros and QtWebEngine

Sune Vuorela nospam at vuorela.dk
Mon Apr 20 22:02:34 BST 2015

On 2015-04-20, Albert Astals Cid <aacid at kde.org> wrote:
> Just state that there's no such long maintaince time for that package o=
> r just=20
> install the newer version of Qt. And yes again that probably goes again=
> st your=20
> rules, but it's your rules, so you can just improve them for everyone's=
> benefit :)

Let's just try to follow that thru.

A new QtWebEngine pulls in a new Qt. The newer Qt breaks somehow Plasma,
because relying on internals. Then a newer Plasma is pulled in. THat 
requires a newer KDE Frameworks, and a newer Wayland and a newer Mesa.
Those two components requires a newer kernel. The newer KDE frameworks
also has a couple of extra requirements.  Some of those extra
requirements happens to break parts of the Gnome stack. So a update of
that is needed too. That requires a newer systemd, that discovers issues
with apache. The newest apache has a changed plugin api that requires
changes to all the apache extensions. Including php, ruby and python.

You can likely continue the story yourself from here.

Unfortunately, I haven't really used my imagination here.


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