Fwd: PVS-Studio KDE analysis

Christoph Feck christoph at maxiom.de
Mon Sep 29 17:39:08 BST 2014


I got this question from Boris, but do not feel qualified to answer, 
so forwarding it here. Please CC Boris in reply.

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: PVS-Studio KDE analysis
Date: Monday 29 September 2014, 18:04:24
From: Boris Egorov <egorov at linux.com>
To: christoph at maxiom.de

Hello, Christoph!

Russian folks behind PVS-Studio static analyzer
(http://www.viva64.com/en/pvs-studio/) made analysis of KDE project. 
of them asks me where to send full results of analysis. Can you answer
this question? Where can these results be most effective and useful? I
thought about kde-devel mail list, but I'm not sure.
Article about analysis with examples here: 

Best regards,
Boris Egorov

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