KF 5.3.0 changelog

David Faure faure at kde.org
Sun Oct 12 09:36:29 BST 2014

On Tuesday 07 October 2014 21:47:07 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> It also has a link to "KDE Frameworks 5.3.0 Source Info page with known
> bugs  and security issues" where the sources are. I agree the wording is a
> bit convuluted

Yep. I got that from the 5.1.0 announcement, which I used as a base for the 
later ones.

> I very much prefer the wording we use in the 4.x releases of
> "The complete source code for 4.14.1 may be freely downloaded. Instructions
> on  compiling and installing 4.14.1 are available from the 4.14.1 Info
> Page." which links to both the info page and the download.kde.org page
> directly.

Yep, much better.

> David is that generated automatically from your scripts? 

Yes, see kde-frameworks-template.top and 
kde-frameworks-template.bottom in www/announcements.
The script makes a copy of that, fixes the version number, and inserts the 
changelog in the middle.

> What do you think about the working we use in 4.x ?

I now improved the announcement page, see 

David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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