Fwd: PVS-Studio KDE analysis

Christoph Feck christoph at maxiom.de
Thu Oct 2 01:25:54 BST 2014

On Wednesday 01 October 2014 23:35:50 Ben Cooksley wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 7:12 AM, Boris Egorov <egorov at linux.com> 
> > On 09/29/2014 11:55 PM, Ivan Čukić wrote:
> >> If the report is not separated into components, then I'd guess
> >> kde-devel is the right place for it.
> > 
> > Looks like report was not separated, just one huge archive
> > (probably can't be attached to mail due to its size). Svyatoslav
> > (guy who made analysis) told me he will send it tomorrow to me
> > or to kde-devel or to any better place which appears here.
> Would it be possible to provide some size estimates on this file?
> If it is too large to email I can arrange for it to be hosted by a
> KDE server.

Sorry for being late, but I already received these log files from 
Boris via mail (thanks Boris!)

613 Kbytes compressed as 7-Zip; decompressed about 24 Mbytes.

While they are ASCII, they are in an odd format, not really human 
readable; requires someone hacking a script to convert those to XHTML 

Unfortunately, the mail does not state if we are allowed to publish 
the analyzer results on a public web site.

Ben, assuming this is the case, to which address can I forward the 
archive for hosting on KDE site?

Christoph Feck
KDE Quality Team
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