research question

Jos Poortvliet jospoortvliet at
Thu Nov 20 16:11:12 GMT 2014

Hi all,

A research question for you: how common is 'episodic volunteering', that is, 
how often do people do short, one-off or irregular contributions, as opposed 
to more long-term contributions, in your project?

"Episodic volunteers are volunteers who choose short-term volunteering 
assignments or specific projects.  Episodic volunteers may be one-off 
contributors or they can 'bounce-back' by returning for future assignments."

I think it varies between projects - so, just look at what you're involved 
with. What % of work comes from regular contributors, and what comes from 
occasional/one-off contributors? And what are your thoughts on quality and 

It's for a scientific research project (not mine), if something interesting 
comes out I'll be sure to share.

Everything I do and say is based on my view of the world today. I am not 
responsible for changes in the world, nor my view on it. Everything I say is 
meant in a positive and friendly way, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

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