SDDM-KCM In Review

David Edmundson david at
Wed Nov 5 15:59:54 GMT 2014

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 12:56 AM, Jeremy Whiting <jpwhiting at> wrote:

> David,
> I cloned the git repo here, and built it and installed it next to my
> other kf5 stuff. (The README still mentions kde4-config, that probably
> should be updated btw).
> It runs ok here, but doesn't work :) Maybe I need to symlink some auth
> file or dbus file or something, but the kcm's save() method isn't even
> getting called when I change something and hit apply or ok (and no
> sddm.conf is generated either) I think before it gets merged/moved to
> kde/workspace it should probably work at least (feel free to point out
> my errors in installing if that would make it work fine, not sure).
> We discussed this on IRC once, but I'll reply here in case others are

If you install plasma5 to a different prefix than /usr polkit won't work.
Both polkit rules and system dbus activated dbus services don't read from
other prefixes as to do so would be a security risk. if you symlink all
things in /prefix/etc and /prefix/share/dbus-1/system-services it should
all work.

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